Saturday, November 5, 2011

Barbie Photo Shoot

Another, fun photo shoot

Juelles wearing my design
Juelles wearing my design

Roller Skate Barbie
Steve Bennett asked me to be the wardrobe stylist for a Barbie shoot and I got Juelles Chester on board and he already had Patricia McQueen as the make-up artist. Queen and I both did the hair. This was so much fun even though I was 9 months pregnant.

White After Labor Day

Something that has bothered my for many years is this no white after labor day rule!!  First and foremost the white in the summer started in the early 20th century because white was a cooler color to wear in the heat and was  a lighter material.  But I say this... that just means that everyone is running around with stained up armpits of their clothing.  White in the summer does look great with a tan, but it also is stained very easy and sweat stains are gross and hard to get out.

The white rule was never really a rule just a bunch of followers being drones to what they read or gossip about.  White is a great color to wear anytime and only since 2004 these so called fashion rules have started to be broken.

Anyhoo, I love white in the winter, its very crisp like the snow :)